My son cooked this delicious soup for us during our recent holiday and I told myself that I must replicate this when I'm home. I substituted the ingredients and made this refreshing soup with only three key ingredients, which are Shitake mushrooms, pork ribs, nappa cabbage and of course, water.
- Pork ribs with nappa cabbage soup ~ 白菜排骨汤
- Ingredients
- 500 gm spare ribs
- 600 gm Nappa cabbage, sliced
- 8 Shitake mushrooms, soaked till soft and stemmed
- 2.1/2 lt water
- Salt to taste
- Wash and blanch the ribs in a pot of boiling water. Drain, rinse, set aside.
- Boil the 2.1/2 lt water, once boiling, add the Shitake mushrooms followed by the blanched ribs. Cover, and reduce heat to simmer for 1/2 an hour, add in the cabbage and cook for another 2 hrs on low heat. Add salt to taste.
- Serve with rice or noodles.

My mom usually make this soup with radish...a nice change with napa cabbage.