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Showing posts from November, 2010

Oaty Crisps

I was doing a stock-take of my fridge and chanced upon a packet of mixed cereals tucked in an inconspicuous corner.   It must be some leftover.  A hurried check on the expiry date revealed that it's still edible.  So, I flicked through my recipe collection, subtract, add, tweak a bit and came up with these healthy cookies which I'll simply name, 'Oaty Crisps'.

Choc-chip raisin banana muffins

I was staring at the bunch of over ripe bananas contemplating whether I should bake a cake with them, then my lazy bones got over me ....... yes, muffins!  Simple, less work and naturally less washing up!

Honey Pork ribs

I made this for dinner recently and must admit that indeed, the ribs were finger-licking good!  Most important is that this was super easy to prepare!

Belacan~Shrimp paste Chicken ....' Malaysian Monday no. 14'

Belacan is an extremely popular condiment used in a great variety of Malaysian cooking.  It comes in the form of a pressed brick or cake and the unique thing about it is that the ingredients of belacan are all raw.  Traditionally, they are made with a kind of very tiny shrimps, drained and salted before being left to ferment and dry in the sun.  Then, they are mashed together to form a paste and fermented again and this process is repeated.  The smell of roasted belacan can be digusting to some but heavenly to others.  As an ingredient, it mellows out and harmonises in the cooking and acts as a sort of natural  flavour enhancer.

Cornflakes Mixed Fruit Cake

I was browsing through my collection of recipes and chanced upon this recipe, using the rub-in method.  That reminds me that I haven't been baking a cake using this method for ages.  So, time to refresh.  It was not a disappointment  as it turned out great, so yummy that I just want to share it with you!

Mochi - 'Malaysian Monday no. 13'

I googled and stumbled upon this Mochi recipe that requires wheat starch and the method is slightly different from the norm.  As it looked pretty simple and easy enough, I set out to try as I've some wheat starch sitting in the pantry.  I could envisage a disaster looming when the dough was so wet and gluey and as there was excess glutinous rice flour, fortunately, I loaded in an extra 3 ounces before the dough became pliable enough to work with.  Phew ..... that was close!  Oh, you must be wondering what are those  'Bunga Telang' doing in the picture above.  For decor?  Yes, it was one of the ingredients that I used to make these Mochi, but alas, their bluish colour was not overpowering enough, hence the end result was Mochi with a very faint shade of grey! Just a short introduction about these 'Bunga Telang' .... they do resemble the Morning Glory and while Bunga Telang is in Malay, it's Butterfly Pea ~ Clitoria Ternatea in English.  This is a perennial cre

Fried Bihun ~ Rice Vermicelli

There are two types of Bihun~Rice Vermicelli, one is thin and fine which is suitable to serve with soup as they soften easily when soaked.  The other is thicker and tougher which is best for stir-frying.  These take a longer time to soften and as such they don't break easily during the stir-frying process.

Fruit Pastry Cake ~ Revisited

I made this again for a friend's birthday.  I doubled the recipe and made it into a 9 inch square cake.  As it's thicker and bigger the cake took an extra 10 mins. baking time and do remember to cover it with foil for the remaining 15 mins.  As it is now, compared to my previous post, this cake is more brown. 

Bacon Buns

It's been quite a while since I've made bread, so here's a simple bun recipe that's savoury and yummy.  Shall I refer to them  as buns or rolls ......... whatever as long as they taste good!

My Birthday Cake ~ Chocolate Cake with Chocolate Topping

I've noticed that many fellow bloggers have been baking their own Birthday cakes and so I too made one for myself, just for the record.  I made this chocolate cake for my birthday yesterday, yes it was yesterday.  I adapted the recipe from  Chocolate Cupcakes   and just doubled the amounts to fit into a 9 inch sq. springform tin, dressed it up a little with chocolate topping and walnuts. Well, a lady's age is a guarded secret and not revealing it is her prerogative, but age is merely a number.  This much I can reveal  .....  I'm already a senior citizen and enjoying all the little perks that come with being one!  Oh, can you spot the card in the background?  It's handmade and it's from my three musketeers!  Thanks, dears!

Steamed Egg Custard

Steamed egg custard, Chinese style aka 'Ton Kai Tan' is one dessert that I'm extremely fond of.  Simple steamed egg custard, not too sweet, can be eaten warm or chilled  When it's warm, it's soft and smooth, once chilled, it's a  bit firm but just as delectable. I remember that when I was little, the hawkers used to carry a pole on their shoulders and had a basket at each end and in each basket were  his products and other paraphernalia used for his sale.  The egg custards were sold warm as there was a small charcoal fire beneath the bowls of egg custard. Eggs used to be a 'forbidden' food because the egg yolks have cholesterol in them and consuming them will raise cholesterol levels in our blood as well.  Now studies have shown that this theory is seriously flawed.  Eggs are a great source of protein and full vitamins A, B, C, D, E and K as well as iron, zinc and antioxidants. see the marks where the knife has been inserted to test

Grilled black pepper Chicken

Whipped this simple chicken dish for dinner last weekend.  Very easy to prepare, more flavourful if the chicken had been marinated overnight, which I did.