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Pan fried sesame pork

Sesame chicken is quite a popular dish on the menu of most restaurants but I've yet to see sesame pork.  So I thought I'll just give it a shot and I didn't regret trying out this dish.  The pork fillet turned out yummy and it was toothsome biting into the meat coated with the sesame sauce and the crunchy shallots, cucumber and fresh home grown mint leaves.

Just pan fry the marinated pork fillet, once they're cooked through, dish them out.  Japanese cucumber shreds, sliced onion and mint leaves for garnishing.

You can serve this with plain rice or just eat it as it is  ........ sesame pork chop! 

  • 400 gm pork loin cut into 8 pieces of about 1/4 inch thick
  • 1 Japanese cucumber, peeled, trimmed into shreds with a trimming blade of the kitchen aid
  • 1 onion, sliced
  • Toasted sesame seeds
  • Mint leaves
Marinade for pork (I marinated them overnight)
  • 1 tsp each - sugar, sesame oil and cornflour
  • 1/2 tsp salt
  • Dash of pepper
  • 1.1/2 tsp each - chilli sauce, brown sugar
  • 1 tsp tomato sauce
  • 1/2 tsp each - oyster sauce, balsamic vinegar
  • 1/4 tsp each - salt, dark soya sauce
  • 2 tsp cornflour + 1 Tbsp water to thicken
  • 1/2 cup water
  1. Wash and tenderise the pork slices with a meat hammer.
  2. Marinate the meat slices with the above marinade for a few hours or preferably overnight.
  3. Heat up a non-stick pan with some oil, fry the meat, flipping from side to side.  Once the meat is cooked thoroughly, dish out and place on kitchen absorbent paper to absorb any excess oil.
  4. In a saucepan, add in 1/2 cup water and the other sauce ingredients except the cornflour mixture.  Mix well.  Bring to the boil.  Fine tune the sweetness of the sauce until you find the level you like.
  5. Add in the cornflour mixture to thicken the sauce, consistency as preferred.
  6. Place the meat slices on a serving plate, pour the sauce over them.  Garnish with the cucumber shreds, onion slices and mint leaves.  Toss in a generous amount of toasted sesame seeds.
  7. Serve hot with rice or as a pork chop dish on its own.


  1. It certainly looks very delicious! Great idea having those refreshing toppings!

  2. Wow, you are early! Yes, I like the topping too.

  3. I've never seen it but it sounds delicious!

  4. wow This looks so yummyilicious! I need to try the recipe soon.

  5. This is different and it sounds really good. Never thought about doing that with pork and will have to give it a try!

  6. I like sesame chicken, but this looks great! Love the pic!

  7. I love biting into the aromatic sesame seeds when eat the dish....mmmmm, nice!

  8. This looks delicious...yum yum those sesame seeds adds flavor to the dish. Great one! Added to my to do list :p

  9. This is what I used to eat when I was little. My mom cooked this very often! Now, I can only cook this with chicken meat. You know, my hubby and the kids not taking pork! =(
    Enjoy your day!
    Regards, Kristy

  10. Love the sauce and the presentation. I would like this with chicken. Would be so good with rice...mmm

  11. The cucumber and mint leaves must have added a refreshing taste to the porky dish :)

  12. One of my favourite dish to order whenever I eat out is sesame chicken! This pork dish does remind me of it! Yummy!

  13. Tracie
    This dish is not popular because it's being overshadowed by sesame chicken!

    Actually, I was just experimenting only.

    Do try it, easier than with chicken.

    Sesame chicken is popular, but I prefer not to deep fry so I took the easy way out, pan fry!

    Just treat it as a pork chop dish, one dish meal!

    Think your kids will love it.

    This is yummy and no need to deepfry the chicken, too oily!

    Yes, great with chicken, especially deep-fried, your sons will enjoy it.

    Yes, 'tambah nasi'.

    Yes, the topping makes the difference, something unusual.

    If you ask for sesame pork, the waiter will be scratching his head!

  14. yummmm... looks very delicious Cheah.. my kids will love this.. wanna try one day when they come back..

  15. Claire
    This is quite easy to make, no need to deep fry.

  16. Hi Soke Hah, I finally prepared this dish recently but with so much modifications until it looks so different from yours cos' I used pork belly. But basically the sauce ingredients are the same except that I used black vinegar. Luckily it turned out well and we like it very much. Thanks for this recipe.

    1. You're most welcome, Kimmy. Yes, we can modify the ingredients and hence a recipe is born :))


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