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Salted Egg & Meat Porridge

This is the porridge that my late mum used to cook for us whenever we complained of gum pain or any of my siblings had their tooth extracted, or during hot, humid weather.  This is to help 'lower the fire in our body',  (cool down our body heat), so she used to say.

And it is usually accompanied by freshly made Yau Char Kway or Chinese Donut,(so often seen in Hongkong movies),  either cut and sprinkled on top of the porridge, as a garnishing 

Or just separate it, dunk in, slurp, and chew away,  .................. 

Recipe for Salted Egg & Meat Porridge

Ingredients :
  • 200 gm lean pork, diced
  • 1 Salted Egg
  • 1/2 cup Rice
  • 2 Tablespoons Quaker instant Oats - soak in 4 Tablespoons of hot water
  • 4 cups water
  • Yau Char Kway/Chinese Donut
  • Spring Onions and Pepper for garnishing
  • Salt to taste
  • Sesame oil - optional
Method :
  1. Dice the lean meat and marinate with 1 teasp salt, set aside.
  2. Boil the rice with the 4 cups of water in a rice cooker, under 'Porridge' mode.
  3. Meanwhile, boil the salted egg, whole, in its shell and once cooked, cut it open and smash it.
  4. Once the rice starts to boil, add in the diced salted, lean meat. Stir.
  5. When the rice grains begin to open up, stir in the oats.
  6. Let porridge cook till it's tender and gluey. 
  7. Stir in the salted egg, add salt to taste and switch off the heat.
  8. Cut up the donut and spring onions.
  9. Dish up and serve with a sprinkling of donut, spring onions and a dash of pepper.
  10. Drizzle some sesame oil for that extra flavour, if desired.
Note :  Incidentally, freshly made Chinese Donut is a perfect match with our Ipoh 2 in 1 local coffee.  2 in 1 meaning sugar and coffee, hence black coffee.  Just dip the donut into a cup of freshly brewed black coffee and enjoy.  The chemistry is beautiful, they work hand in hand.  'Yau Char Kway' literally translated from Cantonese is 'Deep fried Devil'.


  1. I would add century egg in :) this is real comfort food...thanks for sharing

  2. Thanks. Yup, the alternative is century egg. You must have gone for quite a no. of Hari Raya Open house and tucking in a lot of rendang and ketupat, etc. etc


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