Barley - a grain that is packed full of fibre and minerals, which can help reduce cholesterol levels, may also help stablilise blood glucose levels which may benefit people with diabetes and consuming barley can also help in the reduction of gallstones. An ideal dessert on a hot afternoon and incidentally it's my late dad's favourite.
Recipe for sweetened Bean Curd Barley and Gingko Nuts
Ingredients :
- 2 sheets Beancurd skin, about 100 gm
- 2 oz Barley Pearls
- 50 gm Gingko Nuts
- 150 gm Rock Sugar
- 5 pieces Pandan/Screwpine leaves - ( tie to a knot)
- About 2.5 to 3 litres water
- 1 whole egg or 1 egg white, lightly beaten - (Optional)
1. Use a pounder handle to break open the shell of the gingko nuts and remove the skin. Wash.
2. Rinse the barley pearls and put them in a pot together with the 3 litres of water. Boil on high heat for a while, and when it's boiling, switch on to medium heat.
3. Add in the gingko nuts, rock sugar together with the screwpine leaves. Simmer till the barley is soft.
4. Lightly rinse the beancurd sheets and gently break them up to big pieces.
5. Add the beancurd sheets into the barley, test for sweetness, turn off the heat and add in the lightly beaten egg/egg white, stirring a little.
6. Can be served hot or cold.
Note :
1. Get the Beancurd sheets that are for making 'tong sui', as there are a few types of beancurd sheets for various cooking purposes in the market.
2. The skin of the Gingko nuts will peel off very easily if they have been kept in the freezer.
for 'Sweetened Bean Curd Barley and Gingko Nuts' dessert, I wolu like to know the number of persons the receipe is serving. Can you reply me by email? My email address id serene-fong@hotmail.com. Thank you so much.