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Whiskey Chocolate Cake

I've baked cakes with alcohol such as Brandy, Beer, Cointreau, Kahlua and Stout but have never tried one with Whiskey until my trip to Scotland and tasted the Whiskey cake at the Glenfiddich distillery cafetaria.   Upon my return I googled for various recipes using Whiskey and stumbled upon  a recipe from and was convinced that I must try out their Chocolate Bourbon Cake.   True to the comments from their readers this is indeed a moist and chocolately cake ...... absolutely delicious with a mild hint of  Whiskey!

Recipe for Whiskey Chocolate Cake  (adapted from 'here' with slight modifications)


    • 8 oz butter
    • 8 oz plain flour
    • 5 oz dark chocolate
    • 3 Tbsp coffee powde
    • 2 Tbsp cocoa powder
    • 1 cup Whiskey  (I used Black Label)
    • 1/8 tsp salt  (reduced from 1/2 tsp)
    • 9 oz caster sugar (reduced from 2 cups)
    • 3 eggs
    • 1 Tbsp vanilla
    • 1 tsp baking soda
    • Icing sugar for dusting  (optional)

    1. Sift the flour with the baking soda, set aside.
    2. Melt the chocolate in a double boiler, set aside.
    3. Put coffee and cocoa powder in a 2 cup measuring cup.   Add hot water to come up to 1 cup, mix till the two powders dissolve, stir in the Whiskey and salt, let cool.
    4. Beat buter and sugar till fluffy, add in eggs one at a time beating well after each addition.  Add in vanilla and melted chocolate, scrapping down the sides of the mixing bowl.
    5. On low speed, add in 1/3 cup of the  coffee Whiskey mixture, then beat in half the sifted flour.  Repeat, ending  with the Whiskey mixture.  (I did this by hand).
    6. Pour the batter into a greased and flour dusted 10 cup Bundt pan.
    7. Bake in a preheated oven @ 180 deg C for 1 hour and test with a skewer till it comes out clean.
    8. Cool cake in pan for about 20 mins. before unmoulding and letting it cool completely on a wire rack.
    9. Dust with icing sugar before serving.

    I'm linking this post to Bake Along 3rd Anniversary, hosted by
    Joyce from  Kitchen Flavours,  Lena from  Frozen Wings  and  Zoe from  Bake for Happy Kids.


  1. Hi Cheah,
    Such a lovely chocolaty boozy cake! All one cup of Whiskey! Wow, I already feel "drunk", but in a delicious way! Haha!
    Glad that you could bake along with us!
    The next one is a lemon bread, want to take up the challenge? hehe! :)

    1. Thanks for the sweet comment. Lemon bread .... will need to check it out. TQ!

  2. Hi Soke Hah, I don't drink but do have several bottles of brandy, whiskey, rum etc in the house. Now I can try this lovely chocolate cake with liquor. Must be nice as liquor chocolates are my favourite what more if I can find it in the cake. BTW, I like your cake mould too.

    1. This choco cake will pair well with the liquor that you mentioned. Thanks, this mould is my latest addition :)

  3. Hi Cheah, I've never tried whisky cake before but this sounds so delicious! I hope I won't get 'drunk' too :D

    1. You won't get drunk, because the alcohol had already evaporated in the baking process!

  4. The cake look so sinful and chocolaty. I don't mind having a slice or two with my morning coffee now. I can imagine the fragrant of whiskey and chocolate together. I never bake with whiskey either :)

    1. Maybe you should try this recipe and see whether you like it, Gert!

  5. Hi Cheah , that cake is almost to gorgeous to cut ... I said almost . I bookmark this for later . Thanks for sharing :)

    1. Yes, it took me quite a while to put my knife into the cake :)

  6. love the idea of whiskey in a cake

    1. I was intrigued by the idea of using Whiskey! No regrets!

  7. Your cake is so pretty, the chocolate whisky combo sounds delicious!

  8. Cheah, the de-molding job was done so beautifully. I thought you used a silicone pan to bake but in fact, you used a normal bundt pan. The shape is beautiful & the cake is indeed very moist & look delicious!

    1. Thank you,Jessie. I made sure I greased every corner of it and flour dusted it as well.

  9. 1 cup of Black Label!!! The cake must have tasted amazing! Beautiful baking pan, Cheah.

    1. It tasted good but with only a slight hint of alcohol. Yes, I like the pan too.

  10. p.s Cheah, are you sure that you used 16oz of flour (1oz is about 30 grams?) ? Because the original recipe calls for 2 cups, that's about 240 grams.

    1. Thanks for the alert, Angie. Should be 8 ounces because 1 cup is approx. 4 ounces, got mixed up with sugar when typing out the recipe. Will edit, thanks once again.

  11. Hi Cheah,

    A little booze is always good for all kind of celebrations... I like your chocolate cake with whiskey. A nice warming treat for my heart and tummy :D


    1. Ha,ha, warming treat for your heart and tummy..... think it's getting chilly in Melbourne, here, it's hot,hot,hot!

  12. Hi Cheah! I am very sure this is a cake I cannot refuse! And I love your cake pan :)

    1. Thank you....ya, I love the pan too. When I saw it on offer, I grabbed it without much hesitation!

  13. Yummy! This cake I will definitely have to try!

  14. looks so moist and delicious, I love the fine crumbs too!

  15. hi cheah, what a pretty cake! and a nice bundt cake tin must have a huge collection of bundt tins! wow..1 cup of black label..this will make a very nice cake for special occasions too! thanks for joining our bake along, happy to have you as part of our anniversary theme bake along!

  16. Looks so great!!! Would love a piece of it right now :)

  17. The cake sounds gorgeous and hope to make it for a Christmas party. I would love to know who makes the pan as I have an obsession when it comes to Bundt pans.

    1. I bought the pan from K-mart, Rockingham, Perth a few years back.

  18. I am in love with the pan (the cake sounds great too!)--can I ask where you got it or who makes it?

    1. Hi Laura, I'm fond of bundt pans too. I bought this pan from K-mart, Rockingham, Perth


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